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Can you get off blood pressure medicine? The average person with hypertension is on two to three medications to treat it. However: If you were just diagnosed—and your blood pressure isn't so high that it would be a stroke risk—start eating a healthier diet and begin an exercise routine to reduce your blood pressure medications or get off them altogether.
Do side effects of amlodipine go away? Side Effects. Dizziness, lightheadedness, swelling ankles/feet, or flushing may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.
How do I know if my baby's oxygen level is low? Signs of Respiratory Distress in Children Breathing rate. An increase in the number of breaths per minute may indicate that a person is having trouble breathing or not getting enough oxygen. Increased heart rate. Low oxygen levels may cause an increase in heart rate. Color changes. Grunting. Nose flaring. Retractions. Sweating. Wheezing.
What is the most common type of angina? Angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease (CAD), the most common heart disease. CAD happens when a sticky substance called plaque builds up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart, reducing blood flow. There are three types of angina : Stable angina is the most common type.
Can you have angina without having a heart attack? This reduced blood flow is a supply problem — your heart is not getting enough oxygen-rich blood. You may wonder why you don't always have angina if your heart arteries are narrowed due to fatty buildup. But when you increase the demand for oxygen, such as when you exercise, this can cause angina. Stable angina.
Can Angina be cured by exercise? At the same time, cardiologists have realized that such treatments, while effective at alleviating chest pain, do not reduce the risk of heart attacks for most stable angina patients. In fact, exercise is one of what doctors call the four E's of angina. The others are eating, emotional stress and exposure to cold.
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